
Posts Tagged ‘Adam River Mouth’

“Hello and Welcome”. We are in the heart of the Shuswap and we’ve been waiting for you, since about  1959 by the looks of this picture. Fabulous year, that was. Never too late to get together and have a great visit along with some music to rock the house down.  All homemade, just like our dresses, draperies and most all the food too. It was real then.

1959 Get Together


 Don’t get too excited about houseboating in the Shuswap Lake, as we still have a ways to go yet. Good time to look at a few photographs, but you knew that was coming didn’t you. How far away are you today? Across the mountain, sea or bridge? I could walk there today, but not tomorrow. And not because I couldn’t try but because I did try. Timing is everything. The essence of everything, be prepared, planning your holidays to the Shuswap? Mine to the Mayan, if there’s time  and a swimming pool.

Patience Little Houseboat


 I’ve been waiting for Spring to show up, even with new snowfalls over the last couple of nights, it still swiftly melts in the daytime. We ‘re on page four of the calender with puddles appearing and snowbanks melting.  A small scale compared to the glaciers. Glaciers of  life times. Times of  life, now it is here. This time, today and out there  in the Shuswap Forests.

Even here, there has been browsing going on. Not just on the computer, but outside in the forest under the Fir trees for Falsebox and Red-Osier Dogwood, that have emerged free from the snow. Bare ground slowly appears all around us, the spring melt is on.

Alces alces as he is named, has made his way browsing and resting around the ponds. He has circled the field, through the playground with several passes over the now well pruned apple trees and has browsed himself right into the front yard.  Stay as long as you like. You are safe here. Stay close.  Be safe young one, “You too Smudgy, you too”. Dignity in life whether man or animal. It will change everything for the good, are you ready to step up. Please help and Protect.

Just Another Day in the Yard


 Over the mountain, and down to the other end is Bastion Mountain overlooking Salmon Arm Bay. Still had ice on the bay last time I went to town. Looking east down the lake towards Sicamous with Sunnybraeon the left and Harold’s Provincial Park farther on, all is quiet for now. But just a minute, there will be a surprise soon. Wait until page seven, that’s when the boats, beaches and  summer holidays happen. “Come to the Shuswap and Enjoy” but please help us look after the lake and land we all enjoy.

Bastion Mountain


Here comes “Spring” I do see her arriving shortly in my mind. I see lots of changes coming to the area this, more excitement and another step forward. Best thing you could ever do,  is tell them  kids  “Get out of bed and go to school ” Every day it is necessary to identify certain life, forms and places, we need the education to know. Keep learning, you’ll love it. Share it’ paint it. You’ve already taken it out of the universe,  in rerum natura. Short-stalked Damselfly or if you prefer the Latin then its Argia spp. I think that is  her, if I’m wrong “Mone me, amabo te, si erro”.

Her Name is “Spring”


   This is probably the kind of picture of the Shuswap Lake that you have been looking for. Where’s the boat to go along with it?  It’s here somewhere. It is that blue. The lifestyle too, it is what you see it to be and make it to be. Positively beautiful, positively real. Copper Island in the centre. Scotch Creek to your right and Sorrento down the lake to your left. Eagle Bay Beach in front and real.

Real Blue 


  It is still early for swimming in the Shuswap Lake yet, I’ll be waiting 3 more months myself. Oh, and it’s OK as this picture was not taken in the Shuswap Lake, so don’t worry about the Thamnophis sirtalis or Common Garter snake. He’s just going out to feed in the marsh. Heart-wrenching but filling. Feasting will come in tadpole season, land and shore. The open water is four feet wide along the shoreline, but this Common Garter Snake is making out just fine with limited watery territory. Circle of life. The insects are hatching and the birds are returning. The activities are starting in the marsh, there’s a couple of ducks quacking, Robins and Varied Thrush too. Frogs and Western Painted Turtles will dig themselves out of the muddy bottom of the marsh and their circle begins again. If I ever, ever have one, just one luxury in life, it would most certainly be an indoor swimming pool.

Spring Swimmer


 Charge ahead into the new season. Finish all those projects that are incomplete, I tell myself. Have no regrets. Kick up your heals and go in bare feet if you want! I’m here to support you all the way, if that’s what you want to do and need to do for you. We’re all here for you. And you have certainly been there for the blog stats as we are at this high leaping, straight out kicking number  because of the determination of your thoughtful action to have read this weblog….  Thanks very much. Oh Yes! Our number is 1799.  Are we to expect you here this summer? Are you to camp or just riding on through? Riding through to beautiful green pastures to let that horse go? Good, I’m happy to hear that.



Until the next update my friend and neighbour! There’s potatoes to peel, things to do and hopefully a chocolate egg or two around the place. Outside work will bring long awaited exercise, new projects and the garden is on that the list too. Compton’s Tortiseshells are out and about, and Lorquin’s Admirals will be in their flight season soon too. “Yes” of course the Easter Bunny has been seen in the forest too. We have to improvise here sometimes, everybody helps out. I don’t have any rabbit photos on hand, so I trust my new friend here will do in a slither. There’s a wink in his eye, and creepy enough they’re the same colour as mine!

Easter Bunny


Happy Easter from All of Us! 

Until Next Time







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