
Posts Tagged ‘Salmon Arm’

Hello there, happy to see you this morning. I won’t be coming outside  just  yet, so start having a look around and I”ll catch up.  I have lots of work to complete, today is a pen and paper day. More thinking to do, “how to, and when to”, becomes the  more urgent questions now. New modern solutions required, but when the powers out, its back to the old way. That’s where we are now, living in the forest still waiting for the new way.

Alces alces of the Shuswap

New solutions required, new modern attitudes too? Yes, new tools to be used, so new thinking must be applied, stubbornness and narrow-mindedness are long gone into oblivion. It’s a new age, join in. You can achieve so much with the new modern tools. Just learn to use them, get on board. Get on board in the Shuswap, bring the family!

Alces alces swimming

When you find tough times ahead, I can tell you this doesn’t work in Hawaii, or here or anywhere else.

Or as we do it in Canada, it still doesn’t work here either.

Okay, in the summer time,  it’s done a little different, but it still comes down to the same thing.  It just doesn’t work, there must be a better solution to help move forward.

Shuswap Moose
The family and friends are always there to help, they believe in you.  How can we help them?

Alces alces family

Old school, times and ways, changed now, so we can never go back. We must move forward, always towards the new future. An environmentally aware future. A future like we have never seen before. The forest is changing, the water is changing, the world has changed. Life as we know it, is changing. People will adapt, but the animals need your help. The environment needs your help. They need you, you are important, you will always be important. Please help and be environmentally aware.

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“Hello and Welcome”. We are in the heart of the Shuswap and we’ve been waiting for you, since about  1959 by the looks of this picture. Fabulous year, that was. Never too late to get together and have a great visit along with some music to rock the house down.  All homemade, just like our dresses, draperies and most all the food too. It was real then.

1959 Get Together


 Don’t get too excited about houseboating in the Shuswap Lake, as we still have a ways to go yet. Good time to look at a few photographs, but you knew that was coming didn’t you. How far away are you today? Across the mountain, sea or bridge? I could walk there today, but not tomorrow. And not because I couldn’t try but because I did try. Timing is everything. The essence of everything, be prepared, planning your holidays to the Shuswap? Mine to the Mayan, if there’s time  and a swimming pool.

Patience Little Houseboat


 I’ve been waiting for Spring to show up, even with new snowfalls over the last couple of nights, it still swiftly melts in the daytime. We ‘re on page four of the calender with puddles appearing and snowbanks melting.  A small scale compared to the glaciers. Glaciers of  life times. Times of  life, now it is here. This time, today and out there  in the Shuswap Forests.

Even here, there has been browsing going on. Not just on the computer, but outside in the forest under the Fir trees for Falsebox and Red-Osier Dogwood, that have emerged free from the snow. Bare ground slowly appears all around us, the spring melt is on.

Alces alces as he is named, has made his way browsing and resting around the ponds. He has circled the field, through the playground with several passes over the now well pruned apple trees and has browsed himself right into the front yard.  Stay as long as you like. You are safe here. Stay close.  Be safe young one, “You too Smudgy, you too”. Dignity in life whether man or animal. It will change everything for the good, are you ready to step up. Please help and Protect.

Just Another Day in the Yard


 Over the mountain, and down to the other end is Bastion Mountain overlooking Salmon Arm Bay. Still had ice on the bay last time I went to town. Looking east down the lake towards Sicamous with Sunnybraeon the left and Harold’s Provincial Park farther on, all is quiet for now. But just a minute, there will be a surprise soon. Wait until page seven, that’s when the boats, beaches and  summer holidays happen. “Come to the Shuswap and Enjoy” but please help us look after the lake and land we all enjoy.

Bastion Mountain


Here comes “Spring” I do see her arriving shortly in my mind. I see lots of changes coming to the area this, more excitement and another step forward. Best thing you could ever do,  is tell them  kids  “Get out of bed and go to school ” Every day it is necessary to identify certain life, forms and places, we need the education to know. Keep learning, you’ll love it. Share it’ paint it. You’ve already taken it out of the universe,  in rerum natura. Short-stalked Damselfly or if you prefer the Latin then its Argia spp. I think that is  her, if I’m wrong “Mone me, amabo te, si erro”.

Her Name is “Spring”


   This is probably the kind of picture of the Shuswap Lake that you have been looking for. Where’s the boat to go along with it?  It’s here somewhere. It is that blue. The lifestyle too, it is what you see it to be and make it to be. Positively beautiful, positively real. Copper Island in the centre. Scotch Creek to your right and Sorrento down the lake to your left. Eagle Bay Beach in front and real.

Real Blue 


  It is still early for swimming in the Shuswap Lake yet, I’ll be waiting 3 more months myself. Oh, and it’s OK as this picture was not taken in the Shuswap Lake, so don’t worry about the Thamnophis sirtalis or Common Garter snake. He’s just going out to feed in the marsh. Heart-wrenching but filling. Feasting will come in tadpole season, land and shore. The open water is four feet wide along the shoreline, but this Common Garter Snake is making out just fine with limited watery territory. Circle of life. The insects are hatching and the birds are returning. The activities are starting in the marsh, there’s a couple of ducks quacking, Robins and Varied Thrush too. Frogs and Western Painted Turtles will dig themselves out of the muddy bottom of the marsh and their circle begins again. If I ever, ever have one, just one luxury in life, it would most certainly be an indoor swimming pool.

Spring Swimmer


 Charge ahead into the new season. Finish all those projects that are incomplete, I tell myself. Have no regrets. Kick up your heals and go in bare feet if you want! I’m here to support you all the way, if that’s what you want to do and need to do for you. We’re all here for you. And you have certainly been there for the blog stats as we are at this high leaping, straight out kicking number  because of the determination of your thoughtful action to have read this weblog….  Thanks very much. Oh Yes! Our number is 1799.  Are we to expect you here this summer? Are you to camp or just riding on through? Riding through to beautiful green pastures to let that horse go? Good, I’m happy to hear that.



Until the next update my friend and neighbour! There’s potatoes to peel, things to do and hopefully a chocolate egg or two around the place. Outside work will bring long awaited exercise, new projects and the garden is on that the list too. Compton’s Tortiseshells are out and about, and Lorquin’s Admirals will be in their flight season soon too. “Yes” of course the Easter Bunny has been seen in the forest too. We have to improvise here sometimes, everybody helps out. I don’t have any rabbit photos on hand, so I trust my new friend here will do in a slither. There’s a wink in his eye, and creepy enough they’re the same colour as mine!

Easter Bunny


Happy Easter from All of Us! 

Until Next Time







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Hello, Very nice to see you again, although I am curious as to “Who you are?” and “Where do you come from?” How did you discover the Shuswap? Or “You’re not here yet? ” Allow me to share from my upside down view, some assorted Shuswap Lake and Area Photos. The Lifestyle? Is that what interests you or is it the scenery and wildlife too? How could you not paint a picture, or create a memory from that experience. The view. The Lifestyle.  The history and vision of the Shuswap, in all aspects. Flora and Fauna one and many. These pictures, I hope,  give you the glimp of the Shuswap from your far away location.  A Barred birds eye view for you from my Avartar friend. Positive and far reaching, its all about the Shuswap.

Who are You? Hello and It’s Nice to Meet You


Yellow leaves fall around me now. The lush green marsh has changed into the fall mode and past. Browns, beige, more yellows and slight greens. Twice now the frost has touched the ground Write in the Shuswap. We knew it would, just not so soon. Already another season waiting to grasp the time and hold it still, until we can catch up to it here and now. Another year, one more season changing and swirling past. There will be snow any day.

 The beavers have taken most of the Black Cottonwoods down, only a few pair are left. Magnific and tall, Lochinvar, O’Rion and the music seems to fit, another story told. Entertainment, I hope.  Establish a plan. Modify, re-adjust or change it, but have a plan, a path you will follow to acheive your goal. A hand to help, move past and forward, taking  note of the moment. There is a multitude of interesting facts and cures out there, in the jungle, forest and sea too, don’t forget the air. Please read. Please read what they have learned, about everything. Knowledge, facts, humanity, help them how we can. Not just this next generation, not just Bella and BooBoo, but the others too. Protect our environment. Please.

What’s a Forest Mother

 The Shuswap Lake or The Big Lake as we call it here, is not quite quiet, still a fishing boat or houseboat here and there. It is cold, the snow was so low on Crowfoot, but has melted back to the top. I’m not ready for the cold yet! So enjoy the Autumn Sun, the shadows of summer faded, covered in yellow leaves and blues of the Shuswap sky line.The mountains are horizon blue and yellow ribboned with Western Larch and Paper Birch.

 Salmon Arm Skyline


The guitar strings, bond fires on the beach, the old days when life was, well some what different. Now it is today, and we need to help the stone and the rock and the knights legacies of animals and bravery. Brave and bold. Find out who you are and where you came from, it will be important later. Painter too, I feel the brush closer to my hand. I haven’t seen the calf in the last few days. I fear for him. Little game. Too little, always too young. And never come back. Never said they would, just thought it. But never thought far enough about, ahead, never thought far enough ahead about it. Then, then it was too late. They left clues, did you read them? Pyramids, Equations and the tree rings. They did tell you before, but  you didn’t listen, so listen now, to the environment. It is our habitat too. Now, he is gone too. Don”t give up warrior. Don”t give up. Lest We Forget.

Fresh Air and a Free Spirit My Friend

 Fresh Air


 Wow, what kind of picture is this one? There’s that crazy big È, see that. Some times I get this big È and è instead of my question mark. Another cute clue, wasn’t that yesterday?. Sure seemed like it. Are you in a city? I have visited a city a couple times, with my sister et al. Or is it alias? Creative atmosphere, that’s what you need. And a good pair of hiking boots with camera at hand!


 This next picture is the Salmon Arm Bay. Bastion Mountain and Raven on the right. After this it will be all snow pictures.  I guess I should of looked out the window more at work, because some how I missed Fall and now Winter is here. In stead of working in town, I  was thinking I could make some 8 hour cat videos of Smudgy and Squeaky, but they only move around about twice a day, so not alot of action there.  On the sidebar, you will find a picture of Downtown Salmon Arm while on the move and a sneak preview of the Revelstoke Ski Hill Condos. Another exciting fact on the move is our Blog Stats. Although it has been awhile since the last update, you still keep checking and I “Thank you” for that.  Our Grand Total is 889 already.

Salmon Arm Bay


 For the last picture of the day, a family still enjoying the Shuswap Lakes clean and now cold water. Fish for lunch and supper too no doubt. Great company and wonderful friends. It is there all along, within yourself, you just have to find it.  Listen to your heart and follow the instinct. The outside influences, the power to produce an effect without using force, make it a positive one. The equation. Stars, hence the Rock. Answer the question asked. And be true to yourself and all you meet.  I wish I could do this all day long, but there is a gallon of paint calling my name.

 We Otter Get Together Again.


 Until next time, Write in the Shuswap








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Wonderful Sunny Day. Wow what a day! Sunshine and Shuswap Lake! Summer time and are you here? We sure are! Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right, well maybe out swimming and boating! This is Salmon Arm Bay probably circa early 1970s pre Salmon Arm Wharf.  This picture was taken from Mt Ida looking across Salmon Arm Bay to Bastion Mountain. And for your interest, here next is a view from Bastion Mountain looking back over to Mt.Ida and the Silver Creek valley. A different perspective for you.

Salmon Arm Bay and Bastion Mountain


I see you have been wondering how far it is from place to place in the Shuswap. Well Salmon Arm to Blind Bay is about 20 minutes or so, and Blind Bay to Scotch Creek is roughly another 20 minutes.  A lovely 20 minute drive through Silver Creek and short cut to Falkland, takes you, another 20, 20 what, oh yeah, add in there, another 20 minutes to each Vernon or Monte Lake to Kamloops turn off. Back then, to Chase and  Sorrento and then Salmon Arm with 20 minutes each respectively. Blind Bay to Eagle Bay is “yes you got it” another 20 minutes, Give or take a few more minutes, but you get the idea. Going to Sicamous?

Mt Ida and Silver Creek Valley


Everything is Write in the Shuswap! Nice and close, if you are driving, but if you are jumping like this young Common Yellowthroat it may take a while to get here. Another full circle, like many in life. A new unity and another chance to share together with family and friends and a new beginning together, especially if you’re Just Married yesterday. Have a wonderful life together, we all love you. Happy Life Always Bride and Groom!



Hot hazy days on the Shuswap lake, aromas drifting out from shore of campfires and barbecues, hinting of the evening feasts yet to come. Shuswap Time we call it, there is no am or pm, just Shuswap Time. Now you know why we are here, the water, sun, Shuswap. Lots to write about, lots to see and experience, There have been big changes in the lake and land over the years already. Please be environmentally aware. The Storms shall swirl and Thunder shakes the sky, there is no turning back only continuing forward swift and sure as the Dragon Boat. Positive and productive, a benefit to our community and society; all together, they paddle forward strong.

Shuswap Time 


Berry good Bird year in the Shuswap, nothing like Amelanchier alnifolia berries for lunch in the coolness of the shade.  Fresh Saskatoons and later on Huckleberry pie. And back to the reality of making lunch for myself to take to work tomorrow. My Shuswap weekend will continue again, so “Thanks Very Much” for stopping in again. Our blog stats are almost as many as the  berries on this bush. Are you ready for this count? We are at the truly amazing count of 274. Still need to learn about blog rolls, so I can get you linked over to “In the Shuswap” at wordpress.com for more bird and animal pictures “On the Shuswap” too.  Updating that web log to soon as I can. I hope you will be back very soon, enjoyed your company as always.

Western Tanager in Saskatoon Bush


Thanks for stopping in, see your next time!


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